Make Carry-Out Feel Like a Night Out

When you plan to go out to eat with friends, what do you look forward to the most? Is it a crispy, fried appetizer that calls your name in the middle of the night? Or a restaurant's cozy booth you can't wait to slip into? Maybe you anticipate happy hour and sharing the latest news with co-workers. For many people, dining in a restaurant isn't just about the food, although that should be the highlight. Going out to eat is a complete social and sensory experience.

But, despite the pleasures of eating and socializing inside a well-run restaurant, sometimes, you'd rather enjoy a more private experience at home. Staying in can be just as special as going out. The trick is to create an atmosphere that pleases all of your senses.

Whether you're planning a romantic dinner for your significant other, a family-fun night for the kids or an evening of self-pampering, we're here to help. In this guide, we'll share tips for enjoying dinner at home, and show you how to create that cozy restaurant feeling.

Date Night, Family Night or Dinner for One?

First things first — who will be joining you for dinner? Will you be feeding four energetic kids, or will you be dining solo? Before you make any plans, determine who you'll have as guests, so you can make the right choices. 

Tips for a Date Night at Home

Heading out for dinner and a movie is a great way to keep the romance in your relationship alive. But, if you have to stay in, or want a more intimate experience, your stay-at-home date can be just as satisfying. Spending some quality alone time with your partner is an excellent way to bond, whether you're at an elegant restaurant or on your living room couch. Here are some tips to boost the romance during your dinner at home:

  • Put away distractions: Date night should be all about you and your partner. Put away your phones, turn off the TV and give each other your full attention, even if only for an hour or two. If it feels unnatural to you both, talk about it, and share the moment. Enjoy the connection.

  • Light some candles: You don't have to remodel your dining room or install a crystal chandelier to give your home a fancy-restaurant feel. To make your dining area more charming, all you need to do is light some candles and break out the wine. 

  • Choose a theme: Do you and your spouse prefer beer and Netflix over wine and slow dancing? There's nothing wrong with that. No matter your date-night style, consider choosing a theme to make it more fun. For example, you could have an Italian night, which may involve spaghetti and classic cinema. Pick a theme you'll both love.

Tips for a Family Dinner 

Eating together as a family is beneficial to everyone at the table. When families dine together, they get to reconnect, recharge and create memories. You can easily turn a regular dinner at home into a special occasion with these tips:

  • Plan together: Sit down together and create a menu for your special night. Consider everyone's tastes and preferences and find a way to please them all. For example, you might decide to have pizza and let the kids choose the toppings. 

  • Set a time: Make sure everyone leaves room in their schedules for the dinner and marks it on their calendars. Let the kids know there will be an after-party filled with games and prizes to get them extra excited.

  • Assign tasks: Get the kids involved by asking them to help with setting the table, decorating the dining area or serving the food. Everyone should have a job to complete, so no one gets burned out. 

Tips for a Self-Isolation Date Night

Whether you're stuck in the house by yourself or want to have a romantic dinner for one, you have a lot of freedom when it comes to planning an evening alone. Here are tips for creating a blissful date night for that special someone — you!

  • Get cozy: What's the best part of having a date night by yourself? Wearing your most comfortable attire with confidence and joy. Whether that be pajamas, sweatpants or your birthday suit, no one's looking — it's all good.

  • Stock up on your favorites: Spending date night alone means you need to have the essentials ready to go. Order take-out from your favorite restaurant, stock the freezer with ice cream and remember to grab some wine. Whatever your favorite comfort foods are, you deserve to have them on date night.

  • Plan to pamper: Don't leave luxury at the dinner table — plan to keep the party going. Maybe you'll take a bubble bath after dinner, binge-watch a guilty pleasure or treat yourself to an at-home makeover. No matter what, plan for relaxation.

How to Create a Restaurant Ambiance at Home

People love to go out to eat. According to a Gallup poll from 2016, 61% of Americans ate out at least once during the week before the survey, and 16% ate out three or more times. Besides the benefit of getting served delicious food prepared by someone else, eating in a restaurant is usually a good time. So, what makes the restaurant experience so special, and how can you create that same feeling at home? Here's how:

1. Dim the Lighting

Part of a great dining experience is enjoying a comfortable, intimate atmosphere. To create comfort and intimacy, you need the right lighting. Soft lighting is the way to go, and it can even make the food taste better. According to a Cornell University study, diners enjoyed their meals more in a restaurant that featured softer lighting and music.

To create dim lighting, you can use candles, a tabletop lamp or even natural lighting — depending on the time of day. Just make sure you have enough light to see your food! 

2. Set the Mood With Music

Music is key to setting the right mood. Restaurants have long used music to influence their customers' behavior and enliven the atmosphere. For example, mellow music helps people relax, take their time and savor every course. Upbeat tunes keep things moving, which might be appropriate for busy fast-food restaurants. In your home, decide what type of vibe you want to create before you build a playlist. Here are some tips:

  • Consider the type of experience you want: What type of dining experience do you want to create for your companions? Will you be enjoying a romantic Italian feast by candlelight? If so, maybe play some soft jazz or classical tracks. Will you be hosting a casual, home barbecue indoors? You might play a playlist full of your favorite bands to set the tone for fun. The point is to choose music that matches the food and the dining experience.

  • Make the playlist long: When you create your playlist, be sure to add enough songs to cover the duration of dinner. If you want everyone to take their time, enjoy conversation and stay for dessert, try to build a playlist that's at least a few hours long. That way, you won't have to fumble with your phone between forkfuls.

  • Avoid loudness: When you dine at a restaurant, you likely want to focus on the meal and your company, not on wishing you had earplugs. The same applies at home. Music should be low enough so you can easily converse with your guests.

3. Dress the Table

Pay attention to all the details, and consider how they can make each dish more enticing. For instance, you might set the table with your favorite tablecloth or create a centerpiece using fresh-cut flowers from the yard. If you're going for elegance, bring out your best silverware and stemware and arrange everything thoughtfully. Here's how you might set the table for a formal look:

Cover your table with a clean, ironed tablecloth.

  • Set a dinner plate in the center of each place setting, and arrange folded napkins in the middle of each plate.

  • Place forks to the left of each plate and knives and spoons to the right.

  • Put a bread plate near the top left of the dinner plate.

  • Place the water glass and wine glass to the top right of the dinner plate.

Getting the Meal Right

Although setting the right mood can certainly enhance the dining experience, nothing's more important than the food. Most people go to restaurants because they look forward to eating, and everything else is a bonus. So, if you plan a special dinner at home, make sure to bring tasty bites to the table. Here are a few tips for choosing crowd-pleasing menu items:

1. Choose Something Versatile and Easy

When you go out to eat, you don't have to worry about serving others, clearing the table or cleaning the dishes. Although you'll have to manage these tasks when you dine at home, you can choose a meal that makes it all a little easier.

Think of pizza, for example. Who doesn't love pizza? Pizza has a lot to offer. For one, it's addictively delicious. It's also easy to serve and even easier to clean up — if there's any left, that is. And, best of all, it's extremely versatile. Want something a little fancier for a romantic dinner with your other half? Choose pizza with gourmet toppings like fresh mozzarella, sweet garlic and thyme. Want to keep it simple to please picky palates? It's hard to go wrong with a classic cheese pie. 

2. Share an Appetizer

Starting the meal with a shareable appetizer is essential to creating a restaurant-like experience, and it doesn't have to be anything complicated. Try to offer a few different appetizers if you'll be serving a small group of guests. However, if it's just you and your spouse, you may only need to order one appetizer.

The point of having an appetizer is to stimulate your appetite and get ready for the main event. For this reason, you'll also want to select foods that complement the main course. For example, if you order carry-out from an Italian restaurant, you might serve mozzarella sticks or house-made ricotta to start the meal right. Consider choosing a fresh, tasty salad to enjoy a nutrition boost without filling up too fast.

3. Drink Locally Made Beverages

Many restaurants feature a signature drink on the menu or offer locally made beverages. Have fun whipping up your own trademark concoction, or see if you can get local beer, wine or cocktail kits to go. If kids are joining you at the table, consider treating them to local homemade soda.

4. Consider Presentation

The way food looks is just as important as how it tastes because we "eat" with our eyes before we take a bite. Therefore, consider how you'll present the food to your guests, and try to make each dish visually pleasing.

Even if you're serving pizza, you'll enhance the experience by considering presentation. Are you wondering how to serve pizza creatively? There are plenty of ways to be a pizza artist. Here are a few ideas:

  • Use a pizza stand: Rather than serve each slice on a paper plate, bring the whole pizza to the table on a round plate and pizza stand, just as they would in a restaurant. 

  • Make pizza kabobs: Easy-to-grab pizza kabobs can be great as an appetizer for a family dinner. Simply cut each pizza slice into small squares, stack them together and hold them in place with a skewer. For extra flavor, consider serving them with an assortment of tasty dipping sauces like marinara, garlic butter or chili oil.

  • Set up a pizza bar: For a casual dinner at home with friends or family, consider making a pizza bar. This idea combines carry-out with ingredients you have at home. Order a couple of pies to go, and arrange them on a buffet table next to various toppings. Invite guests to top their slices however they wish. 

5. Don't Forget Dessert

When you offer dessert, you ensure everyone feels satisfied, including any guests with a serious sweet tooth. You might keep it simple and serve store-bought ice cream with whipped cream and fresh fruit. You can also make an ice cream trifle by filling a cocktail glass with various layers, such as pound cake, pudding, ice cream and crushed cookies. Or, depending on where you get your take-out, you can order a few different desserts and let everyone enjoy a sampling.

Creative After-Dinner Party Ideas

What should you do after everyone's stuffed and happy? Why not keep the party going? Here are some ideas for celebrating food, loved ones and the comforts of home:

  • Have a themed movie night: These days, planning dinner-and-a-movie at home is pretty easy, thanks to online streaming options. Choose a movie theme you and your guests will enjoy, and make sure there are plenty of cozy seats available. You might throw a blanket down in the yard and set up your computer outside, so you can pretend you're at the drive-in.

  • Play games: Games are a fun way to spend quality time with loved ones, whether you play board games, card games or even video games. For something more unique, consider hiding trinkets around the house and having a scavenger hunt.

  • Get crafty: Even if you aren't artistically inclined, you can still have fun being creative. Pop open that second bottle of wine and try your hand at painting, jewelry making or drawing portraits. If wind up doodling stick figures, you can at least have some laughs.

  • Learn to dance: Have you always wanted to learn some new moves? Find a dance lesson video on YouTube, round up the kids or grab your partner by the hand, and get ready to burn some energy.

Amanda Murphy